Cigar Humidor, nurtures cigars with color, aroma, and taste.
Handcrafted from pure wood, featuring natural grain paired with glossy, baked paint for a high-shine finish, it's meaningful for both collecting and gifting. This humidifier box is the perfect gift for cigar aficionados, such as your father, husband, or boyfriend.
Spanish cedar wood releases natural cedar oil, emitting a pleasant aroma that prevents cigar infestation or mold. It balances the intense flavor of cigars, reduces impurities, and enhances a smoother, richer taste.
The high-transparency glass offers a clear view of the cigars' storage status. The cedar cigar desktop box includes a shelf partition that can be freely moved and disassembled, allowing efficient space utilization to meet different cigar storage needs.
Equipped with a high-precision hygrometer, simply add cigar moisturizer or distilled water to the humidifier when lacking moisture to maintain the box's humidity, preventing flavor loss due to low humidity, and avoiding mold and pests from high humidity.
The barrier strip design locks in moisture, creating an ideal humidifying and maturing environment for cigars. Stainless steel hinges are durable and stable, ensuring the box opens and closes smoothly for longer, more reliable use.